ryan tan physiotherapist

Ryan Tan


A proud Perth boy at heart, Ryan is an Australian physiotherapist, and founder of clinic Physiologic Limited. He comes with a wealth of experience having worked across Australia, London and Hong Kong.

Starting in January 2024, The Physiologic team will be consulting with The Physio Lab to provide an elevated, holistic healthcare experience for our clients.

Ryan's special interests lie in treating spinal conditions and sporting injuries, working with some of Hong Kong’s top surgeons, gyms, Crossfit boxes and personal trainers.

As a skillful manual therapist, he uses a variety of hands-on treatment techniques and dry needling to reduce your pain, and emphasises targeted strengthening and rehabilitation exercises to address the cause of your dysfunction.

Ryan’s mission is simple, to help you find the reason why you’re in pain, and to partner with you to get you out of pain. His motto? Move better, live healthier.

BSc Physiotherapy (AUS)

Certificate of Spinal Manual Therapy (COSMT)

Osteopathic Spinal Manipulation (OMT)

Advanced Dry Needling

Strength Coach International Level 1 (S&C)

HK, AUS & UK Registered Physiotherapist

Co-Founder of Discite Education

Contact Ryan at ryantan@thephysiolab.fit.

Andrew Olson, Client

“I’ve been seeing Ryan regularly since I fractured a vertebra in my back a few months ago. With Ryan’s support, I have been able to return to running and recently completed a 100km trail running event.”

Crystal Au-Yeung, Client

“Ryan is one of the best physiotherapists in Hong Kong, especially for those who are active and sporty. He will not only release you from pain instantly but also guide you to resolve root issues so that you can move again and see results without hurting!”